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Why is it important to learn through hands-on experience with live models?

Updated: Aug 14, 2022

Once you have made the decision to further your career and get started on an Aesthetic Practitioner training course, it’s time to decide on the right course for you.

For the most part, any program or academy which delivers a high quality and succinct course is worth looking into, though there is one area where the Skinoza academy particularly stands out – and that is the use of live models as part of students’ learning.

All too often we see Aesthetic Practitioner students undergoing practice procedures on fake faces and silicone mannequins – being taught to look at and practice on faces which may have the pliable texture of skin but which have never been impacted by the sun or persistent frown lines, and which have no life beyond their surface level sheen.

The simple fact is that real faces are unique and completely different, and half the job of an Aesthetic Practitioner is understanding the definition and natural shaping of a real face in a real life setting – and finding ways to enhance and improve it.

Why live models are best

Here at Skinoza Academy London, we believe that budding Aesthetic Practitioners learn best in two different ways.

  1. By engaging in hands-on experience with live models

  2. By watching other students undergo hands-on experience with live models

It is just as important to observe and see how others work, as it is to work on your own technique. After all, this is how we improve – by learning from others.

couraged to work and practice on live models – all of whom are volunteers of our Skinoza academy London and who can register their interest here.

We use live models for hands-on experience for the following reasons:

  1. Treating live models helps build confidence.

  2. Every model is different – just like every patient is different. We believe that from the outset, training Practitioners should be faced with the unique complexities of real faces.

  3. Real-life patients will also have their own unique demands and preferences, which students should work towards meeting from the very start of their training.

And it isn’t just the treatment itself where live models come into play. It is also important that students receive hands-on experience with client consultations, mapping out the face and specific areas for injection, and delivering the correct aftercare information and support.

Booking yourself onto an Aesthetic Practitioner course

If you’re ready to take the leap and kickstart your career as an Aesthetic Practitioner, the Aesthetic Skills Academy is a great place to start. With all courses using live models and offering tons of hands-on experience, our focus is on delivering a succinct and well-rounded training program which will leave you with not just the knowledge needed to be a successful Aesthetic Practitioner, but the skills and confidence to treat clients from all walks of life.


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